About Us
Rock 'n Doll Store is a web-based retail store that started in 2017 and has partnered with different merchants from around the world to bring you the latest in Alternative Fashion. We carry a wide and unique selection of dark, edgy clothing and accessories that we personally and carefully researched and selected. Our job is to please your aesthetic needs. We dedicate hours and days to find the BEST supplier of UNIQUE and QUALITY designs that will suit our market's taste with reasonable prices. ;)
We are best known for our excellent customer service. Our previous customers can attest to how quickly we respond to customer inquiries and resolve issues. We give all our best to customer service and support because YOU matter to us and we want you to have your best shopping experience here at Rock 'n Doll Store. Got questions? Or perhaps in need of a fashion advice? Hit us a message at support@rockndollstore.com and will respond to you ASAP. We are very friendly and we don't bite (maybe a little bit of spanking? lol), we promise. ;)